Distance adoption and support for development projects
In the South of the world, there are millions of children who live in dire straits and, as they do not have access to education, they live on the edge of survival. Sponsorship is a way to express your own solidarity towards one of those children, their families and community. Sponsorship means to identify and plan interventions in favour of the targeted community, actions addressed at facing poverty, allowing the child to live in its local, social and cultural context, favouring the development of its local community. Through the “Sponsorship” program, GSI ITALIA is now working in three countries in the South of world, Mexico, Togo and Burkina Faso and, for a short time, it operated in Asia just after the Tsunami. In all these countries, it has been ensuring health care, education, food supply and clothing. Through the “Sponsorship” program, the NGO aims at developing the community where the child lives, by eradicating the causes of poverty. Some of the donations are used to build social infrastructures like wells, schools and the like and to carry out training courses addressed to young people and women, broadening, in doing so, the range of beneficiaries.