United Artists for Africa (UAFA)

UAFA, United Artists for Africa, is an initiative of international solidarity sponsored Ministry of Foreign Affairs involving artists, writers and musicians.
Thirty artists, from Umbria by birth or adoption and attendance, will be asked to produce a graphic, pictorial, sculptural, photographic work, starting from the suggestion inspired by thirty literary texts as many writers, from Umbria by birth or adoption and attendance. The same literary suggestion will inspire even thirty composers and their compositions represent the frame will crown the opening evening of the exhibition of the works and the presentation of the texts that inspired them.
In the course of 2013 the Umbrian Courier will publish a weekly page dedicated to the initiative, edited by Anton Carlo Ponti and Massimo Duranti, that illustrates the artists, writers and composers involving in the project and their creative work.
The proceeds from the sale of the paintings will form part of the fund “small loans” that GSI Italia allocates to individuals and families of the region in difficult conditions and, in the remaining part, to finance the operations of the Association in Burkina Faso, a country where GSI Italia has worked for many years with activities that support education and job training of many women.
For more information www.artistsforafrica.it

Associazione Cristian Panetto

The association promotes the growth of the creativity and personality of the individual, through the empathy that only human relationships can give.

El Hombre Sobre La Tierra A.C.

El Hombre Sobre La Tierra is a non-profit organization that is committed to creating conditions that promote opportunities for development in marginalized communities where we work.
The organization is made up of an interdisciplinary group of local professionals and promoters who seek to promote the sustainable use of natural resources, the strategic diversification of the local economy and create conditions that strengthen socio-cultural identity.
Our role is to facilitate the process of changing communities in which we collaborate with participatory and transparent work, always in search of self-management and self-management of peasants; propiziando the permanence of future generations of these lands.
For more information www.elhombresobrelatierra.org