The funds received from the Ministry for the Service of the Integral Human Development have made it possible, to date, to purchase and distribute in the Diocese of Sokodé: 100 hand washing devices, 500 liters of hydroalcoholic gel, 1250 liters of bleach, 10.000 masks.

Each kit of materials supplied to a facility is accompanied by a note explaining the context and origin of the donation. This aid was received by the population of Togo from the Vatican foundation, thanks to the contribution of GSI Italia with the presentation of a project to combat COVID-19. At each delivery, the beneficiaries were informed about the measures to combat the virus and how to effectively use the material received, in particular hand washing devices.

Conspicuous resources were also allocated to information, in an attempt to develop awareness of the risks of inattentive behavior to distancing and hygiene measures: the editing of the radio spots has been completed and their transmission is in progress.

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