The training days for young students on the multidisciplinary theme of the European citizenship, which is part of civic education, have been starting this week. The activity is part of the “Dublin, Shared Europe” project, financed to GSI Italia by the European Union within the “Europe for Citizens” Program and involves associations from Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia, in addition to the University of Camerino.

The three scheduled meetings take place online on January 15, 22 and 27 and are held by the professors of the University of Camerino.

The project activities are aimed at contributing to a greater knowledge of the European Union, calling the participants to become directly promoters of change: increasing knowledge of decision-making processes in Europe; deepening the great field of immigration, social cohesion and integration as drivers of economic growth and social progress; identifying, with group work, 10 keywords to build around them the key concepts of integration and formulate, through a final paper, 10 “Recommendations” for the European decision makers.

GSI Italia, which has been a convinced actor of active European citizenship, continues with this project its vocation of promoting the hot topics of the Union.

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