This week the online training meetings of young Italian high school students ended. The activity is part of the ” Dublin, Shared Europe ” project, financed to GSI Italia by the European Union within the “Europe for Citizens” program and of which the association is the leader.

These meetings followed the training days held in the first months of the year in which the participants discussed about Europe, starting with the White Paper, Euroscepticism and above all immigration / Dublin.

The purpose of the meetings was to develop and present 10 key words to build around them the key concepts of integration and to formulate, through a final paper, 10 “Recommendations” for the country. The realization of this national laboratory is also foreseen in the other three European partner countries of the project, which will discuss the concepts produced in a supranational laboratory in which they will be asked to summarize the four starting documents in “10 Final Recommendations” for the European decision makers.

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