Volunteering is truly one of the most modest and exemplary expressions of humanity of large sections of our population, which provides time, skills and abilities in favor of those who need it without ostentation, in silence, with seriousness and determination, in every sector of civil, cultural, sporting coexistence and, as regards GSI Italia, in that of international solidarity.

It has no age, it is not exclusive of a gender, it is not always an expression of the same motivations, for example ethical, religious or political, but it is an inexhaustible source of novelty and generosity that confirms us in the optimism of hope.

For once, GSI Italia intends to give an account of this generosity. We feel the need, for having had moving testimony in these months of pandemic by the many friends and volunteers of GSI Italia, in activity and movement despite the Coronavirus and the restrictions imposed.

This was the case for Silvano Lolli, a former emergency medicine head physician, caught by the pandemic as a volunteer doctor in Botswana. So for Fabio Goldoni, who from Modena proceeded to distribute the antiseptic aids sent by our association to the sick cities of Emilia and Lombardy. So for Angelo Motta, who in March left from Piedmont and went to our collection center in Modena to deliver the ambulance that GSI Italia received as a gift from the Public Assistance of Trino, destined for our project for street girls in Congo. So for Mario Gorzanelli, who ensured throughout the lockdown his willingness to welcome and prepare materials destined for shipment in containers, destined for GSI Italia’s projects in DRC and Ethiopia. So it was for Simone Benato of the Green Cross of Padua, who in full restriction of inter-regional mobility brought from Padua to Emilia two ambulances donated by the Green Cross to GSI Italia, destined for the pediatric cardiac surgery center of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. So for Antonio Paluello, who left from Spoleto on the first day of reopening of communications between the regions with two vans loaded with materials, drugs and clothing, to reach our collection center in Modena. So for Proietti Picotti Paolo who, for having had the opportunity to store the materials leaving for Emilia in the months of the mobility block, thanked GSI Italia with a message for “the opportunity he had to participate in the solidarity activity of the Association”.

This is the volunteering which thanks for the opportunity to make itself useful.

GSI Italia also thanks. For the unpretentious and unwavering humanity of which it occasionally discovers to be an instrument and an opportunity, even in times of Coronavirus, a time of suffering but also an opportunity to discover the great humanity of our people.

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