More than a year after the tragic explosion in Beirut, which occurred in the port area of ​​the Lebanese city on 4 August 2020, killing 214 people and injuring 7.000, the economic, political, social and health emergency continues. One third of the capital’s buildings were heavily damaged, forcing around 300.000 people to flee their homes. The wounded, many of whom handicapped and disfigured for life, were more than six thousand. The Lebanese government has declared August 4 a National Day of Mourning.

2.700 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded: a highly explosive material which had been stored for years in a warehouse in the port.

One year after that tragic event, the investigation is at a standstill and the Lebanese political class is responsible for the deterioration of the situation in the country.

On the occasion of the commemoration one year after the events, the President of the Lebanese Republic Michel Aoun thanked the international community for the aid received and invited international Cooperation “not to abandon Lebanon” in a phase in which the country is facing “devastating consequences” of the crisis.

To the request for help sent by the governor of Beirut Marwan Abboud, GSI Italia responded by making essential medicines available, sent to the country through the Order of Malta and the Italian army.

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