School of Distance Support
The fundraising courses for the students of the University of Camerino start on the 24th of February with the participation of the President Loiacono. The lessons, held by teachers from Rome and Milan, take place at the university campus because the central headquarters is affected by the earthquake.
The course is entirely financed by GSI Italia with project resources financed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy to our association and it involves 150 schools in Umbria and Marche, beyond the Universities of Camerino and Perugia. The students enrolled in the course are 70, 20 of them follow the lessons online.
On the 19th of November, a conference titled “Sad e Cooperazione Decentrata” took place at the Regional Council of Umbria, organized by the NGO GSI Italia within a project financed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.
The conference, whose speakers are Antonio Loiacono as president of GSI Italia, Vincenzo Curatola as president of ForumSaD, Battistina Vargiu school head, Sabina Polidori sponsorship responsible of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Fabiola De Toffol co-founder of Circuito Umbrex, is addressed to the associations involved in sponsorship in Umbria and the organizations involved in cooperation.
It is a great opportunity of comparison and exchange for the associations engaged in the field of sponsorship to the poor and distant territories as well as those closer and growing in the territories of our country.