Two years after the start of the European project “Young Project Coordinators Grow Up”, on Tuesday 27 February, twenty of the young participants in the program, coming from 4 European countries, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Lithuania, met in Spoleto to present the project results developed in their participating countries, on environmental issues, of combating climate change and the qualitative degradation of the environment, but also of promoting possible sustainable development of the territories, enhancing the naturalistic, historical and landscape heritage.

The non-governmental organization GSI Italia, leader and coordinator in the 24 months of activity of the project teams developed remotely and now presented as a preview in the Umbrian city, hosted the young participants.

The projects, illustrated during the works, are summarized in the publication “Erasmus+ à la page: project results” and in the video which can be visited and downloaded from YouTube, The director Graziano Petrini produced the video with a group of young interpreters from Spoleto. Both materials, produced by GSI Italia in the different languages of the participating countries as well as in English, are intended for dissemination in the regions of production of the works, as well as being posted on the European results platform.

The two projects produced by the Italian teams have already been submitted for calls from foundations in our country. They concern the possible measures available to citizens to reduce the production of CO2 and limit the use of packaging plastics. The journalist Francesco De Augustinis, already author of important feature films on environmental issues, illustrated its contents.

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