The information days for young students on European youth programs are taking place during these weeks. The activity is part of the project “Young project coordinators grow up”, co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme European Youth Together which involves four other countries: Lithuania, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The “Erasmus+ à la carte” campaign for the presentation of European youth programs reached a large audience of high school students and associations who received the invitation to participate, in order to inform them about the European programs for youth and at the same time promote their membership as direct participants in the project workshops.

Through this campaign and the presentation of the project, young people are learning about the existence and opportunities offered by European programs but also and above all they are learning about Europe, the structured dialogue of the EU with young people and the objectives that the Commission adopts at the suggestion of young people, giving them back as opportunities to implement programs and projects, for their own benefit and for the community.

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