The conference on the street childhood was held in Kinshasa from 20 to 22 January in the presence of local authorities and under the aegis of the Congolese government.

Unicef ​​and the Canadian Embassy gave their patronage in the presence of national and international cooperation operators.

The issue of street children is a long-standing marginal problem, anyway to the attention of the Congolese government and society, despite there is an excessive number of small victims of poverty and indifference.

GSI Italia has been working for some years with local partners, Oseper and Aesd in particular, and with these it built the Center for Street Children in Kinshasa in the municipality of Tshangu, the poorest and most populous area of ​​the capital, nearby at the international airport.

The work of the conference highlighted the enormity of the problem and the small amount of investments to compensate and protect it, in an absolute manner by the central and local government and increasingly by the major international agencies and the same NGOs like GSI Italia.

Few signs of hope suggested by the relationships brought to the attention of the audience by most of the speakers and representatives of the Institutions. The promises of renewed commitment from the representatives of the capital were vague and generic.

Unicef ​​has proposed its willingness to support the commitment made by GSI Italia in recent years in favor of children. A drop in the sea of ​​need for this marginal target population in Congolese society.

At the end of the conference GSI Italia confirms to itself the need for its commitment in the country, in favor of children and to raise awareness of their community.

We will see if Unicef ​​tells the truth with the promises of support for our action and we will promptly inform the members and friends of GSI Italia and, above all, the children in need of Kinshasa will notice it.

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