The collaborative relationship already started in 2024 between the Umbrian and Addis Ababa health services is consolidated with the activation of training courses for physiotherapists from the University of Gondar in Ethiopia at the Trevi Hospital.

The hospital in Foligno is involved today, receiving Lewi William, a seven-year-old boy from southern Ethiopia, bloodied by an armed conflict that pits rebel groups against the central government.

Trilogy of Fallot is the name of the disease of the child, which led to his hospitalization at the Foligno hospital for a serious congenital malformation of the heart, rarely present in Italy and very frequent in Ethiopia.

Over two thousand cases are on the waiting list at the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa, for surgical repairs that GSI Italia, the humanitarian organization of Spoleto, is planning starting in summer 2025.

The little boy, who arrived by flight on January 15, requires early surgery due to the severity of his condition. Management and health workers at San Giovanni Battista welcomed the little patient and began the preparatory tests for the surgery.

For some years now, doctors from the Foligno hospital have been at home in Ethiopia in the training of local health personnel. Francesco Panella, former head of gynecology, Silvano Lolli, former head of emergency medicine, Marco Franceschini, former head of Trevi hospital and then Chiocchi, Pirillo, Loiacono, nurses, physiotherapists and midwives. Volunteers of international solidarity.

In 2023, the municipal administration of Trevi signed a twinning agreement with the administration of Gondar, the second city of Ethiopia. A story that continues with the commitment of San Giovanni Battista in the name of solidarity, of which GSI Italia has been a builder in Ethiopia for over 10 years.

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