Global Education and Active Response for the Protection of Human Rights,
Inclusion and Democratic Values in Intercultural Societies

Project description

The goal of the GEAR – Global Education and Active Response project is to contribute to intercultural understanding through cooperation of CSOs with formal education systems, teachers and students and encourage the exchange, improvement and up-scaling of the existing best practices of global, civic and intercultural learning among schools at the local, regional, national and transnational levels. Its general objective is to prevent violent radicalisation and to promote democratic values, fundamental rights, intercultural understanding and active citizenship.

Financiers: Erasmus+ KA3

Start year: 2017

Duration: 2 years

People helped by the beginning of the project

Goals achieved

National training for 20 teachers and educators.
3-day transnational exchange for teachers and educators in Italy.
National training for youth ambassadors.
2-day transnational exchange for youth ambassadors in Croatia.
Creation of the web site.
School exchange visits.
Conferences and round tables.
Final conference in Spain.
Dissemination of the project results.

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